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A full-mouth rehabilitation aims to restore and enhance your smile while addressing any underlying issues that could affect your oral health. Dr. Tokunaga approaches each case with meticulous attention – carefully considering how elements like crowns, bridges, and implants integrate with the existing structure of the mouth.

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We all know that taking care of our mouth is vital to our overall health. That’s why regular dental cleanings and checkups are so important. Let’s dive into why these visits are more than just a check on your to-do list.

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Removing mercury fillings is not without its challenges. The removal process can release mercury vapors, which could increase heavy metal toxicity in your body, possibly affecting your immune system and leading to issues like loss of appetite or anemia.

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Mercury Filling Removal

February 1, 2024

Mercury fillings, also known as amalgams, have been a topic of discussion lately, especially concerning their mercury content. While there's no direct evidence linking them to illnesses, studies suggest a link between the number of these fillings and the amount of mercury in our bodies.

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Tooth Extraction

January 1, 2024

A tooth extraction is typically presented as a last resort for maintaining oral health by eliminating the source of harmful bacteria and preventing further damage to surrounding tissues. Tooth removal is recommended when other restorative methods, like fillings or crowns, are inadequate.

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While periodontal surgery may seem like an extreme option, periodontal disease can lead to gum and tooth loss and is a precursor to a host of other health problems. Medical experts have discovered a link between poor oral health and the development of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

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At Dr. Tokunaga's dental office, we focus on achieving a balance between aesthetics and functionality, ensuring that you not only look better but also feel better about your smile. Visit us in Arlington Heights, IL, to see how cosmetic dentistry can improve your smile to give you the confidence you've always wanted.

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Dental implants: these modern marvels of dentistry have radically changed the landscape of oral healthcare. Book a consultation today to discover whether dental implants are the right pathway to your radiant smile.

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Spotlight on Fixed Bridges

September 1, 2023

Fixed bridges provide a natural-looking solution for gaps in your smile due to missing teeth. Dr. Tokunaga's dental practice in Arlington Heights, IL, works hard to provide dental solutions that go above and beyond your expectations.

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Protect Your Smile

July 1, 2023

Have you been told you might need a night guard? The primary purpose of a night guard is to provide a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth, preventing them from coming into direct contact during sleep. They are typically made of durable plastic and are custom-fitted to match the unique contours of your teeth.

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Dr. Tokunaga's dental practice understands that dental anxiety can be a significant obstacle to receiving the oral care you need. We care about your comfort, and our entire skilled Arlington Heights staff works together to provide a relaxed and stress-free experience.

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Dental plaque is a sticky, colorless biofilm that forms on the surface of teeth and gum because of bacteria that feed on the sugars and starches in our food and beverages. If left on the surface of your teeth, plaque can cause dental carries (cavities), gum disease, and bad breath.

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Is Diet Important?

April 1, 2023

The relationship between diet and oral health has been widely investigated in the dental literature, and it is well-established that a healthy diet can positively impact your oral health.

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Dry mouth, or ‘xerostomia,’ is a condition that affects the amount of saliva your mouth produces. Saliva is vital to help break down your food and aid in swallowing, but it also acts as a cleanser. It constantly washes around your mouth to help fight tooth decay.

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Flossing Your Teeth

February 1, 2023

To significantly reduce the chances of tooth decay and gum disease, daily flossing is vital. Children should be taught proper flossing techniques from an early age.

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Are You Brushing Too Hard?

January 1, 2023

Have you been diligently brushing and flossing but have noticed tooth sensitivity or a change in your gumline? Brushing your teeth too hard while faithfully keeping up good habits is possible. A receding gumline could signify that you might be too enthusiastic about your oral hygiene.

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Help for Sensitive Teeth

December 1, 2022

Living with sensitive teeth can be challenging. Activities like eating and drinking or even brushing your teeth can cause a sharp, temporary pain within the affected teeth. The cause of the sensitivity varies.

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Are You Grinding Your Teeth?

November 1, 2022

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a condition in which you clench, grind, or gnash your teeth unconsciously while awake or while sleeping. Bruxism becomes a problem when it is frequent and severe enough, leading to damaged teeth, jaw disorders, headaches, and other issues.

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As a long-term solution to tooth loss, dental implant technology has revolutionized the field of replacement teeth. Although research has continually shown that dental implants are the best long-term solution for missing teeth, it’s essential to know all the facts before jumping into something.

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Full-mouth rehabilitation might sound like a highly complex procedure, but it is simply a series of restorative dental treatments employed to rebuild your natural smile. Dr. Tokunaga’s goals are to strengthen and fortify your tooth structures and healthy oral tissues and to help you enjoy your smile again.

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Lasers are a safe, accurate, and efficient way to treat a particular area of the mouth without affecting the surrounding tissues. Dental lasers are used for various procedures and treatments, including laser-assisted periodontal therapy.

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What is a Sinus Lift?

March 31, 2022

After bone and tooth loss, the road to strong and healthy dental implants can be challenging. A procedure called a sinus lift, or sinus augmentation, is a relatively standard procedure that makes it possible to enjoy the benefits of full dental implants.

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Gum and Bone Grafting

February 27, 2022

We rarely notice how much we use our jawbone, even though it is used daily to talk, eat, laugh, and sing. If the health of our jawbone begins to deteriorate, tooth loss and facial deformity could happen.

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Everyone who has been diagnosed with diabetes has been told that high blood sugar can harm their nerves, eyes, heart, and kidneys. Some don’t know, however that diabetes can also cause significant complications with your oral health.

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FAQ: Porcelain Veneers

December 30, 2021

Porcelain veneers, sometimes called dental veneers, are a thin, custom-made layer of tooth-colored composite material designed to cover the front surface of the tooth and improve the overall appearance. They can help you achieve a beautifully white and even smile.

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FAQ: Dental Crowns

November 22, 2021

For many reasons, your teeth can get damaged over time. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is made to fit over a tooth. When cemented into place, a dental crown fully encases the entire portion of a tooth that is visible above the gum line. A dental crown helps restore a tooth’s shape, size, and strength while restoring its natural look.

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Cosmetic Dental Bonding

October 29, 2021

Your teeth are naturally strong; however, chipping a tooth is easier than you think. Dr. Tokunaga uses dental bonding to repair chipped, cracked, or gapped teeth. It can be used to eliminate discoloration or even lengthen and reshape teeth that have been ground down over time.

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Meet Dr. Shawn Tokunaga, DDS

September 30, 2021

Dr. Shawn Tokunaga is a graduate of the University of Illinois and acclaimed Loyola University in Chicago. He was born in Hawaii but relocated to Chicago at a very early age. Dr. Tokunaga is very passionate about dentistry.

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Visit Dr. Tokunaga's Arlington Heights office for an enduringly radiant and functional smile that's uniquely your own. We work with every individual patient to ensure they love their healthy and beautiful smile.

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