

Gum Surgery: Restoring Healthy Smiles

August 1, 2023 in General


Gum grafting, or gum surgery, is a technique that Dr. Tokunaga employs to rejuvenate smiles and combat periodontal issues. Gum recession, often caused by periodontal disease or aggressive brushing, can lead to tooth sensitivity, gum sensitivity, and a less aesthetically pleasing smile.

During the gum grafting procedure, Dr. Tokunaga carefully transplants gum tissue to cover exposed roots, promoting tissue regeneration and enhancing gum line appearance. This minimally invasive technique helps to protect teeth, improve oral health, and gives patients a more confident smile.

If gum recession runs in your family and you're hoping to avoid it, prevention is important. Patients concerned about developing periodontal disease should carefully maintain their oral hygiene through the use of soft-bristled toothbrushes and schedule regular dental check-ups. 

Have you noticed gum recession in your mouth? If you have any concerns about your gum health, call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Tokunaga today. Together, we can find the best solution for your circumstance and restore your smile's natural beauty.

Note: The above before and after images of this gum surgery case study show the transformative power of gum grafting.

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