

Tooth Extraction

January 1, 2024 in General


Tooth extraction is a standard dental procedure performed to remove a tooth that is severely decayed or damaged. This procedure is typically presented as a last resort for maintaining oral health by eliminating the source of harmful bacteria and preventing further damage to surrounding tissues. Tooth removal is recommended when other restorative methods, like fillings or crowns, are inadequate. Common reasons for tooth extraction include severe tooth decay, fractured or impacted teeth, overcrowding, gum disease, or dental injuries.


Extraction Process:

The extraction process begins with Dr. Tokunaga's thorough assessment of the affected tooth and surrounding gums, including dental X-rays. Patients should inform the dentist of any medications or supplements they're taking. Various sedation options are available to ensure comfort, especially for those with dental anxiety. These options range from light sedation with nitrous oxide to oral conscious sedation and intravenous sedation. The extraction procedure involves numbing the area, loosening the tooth, and carefully removing it. In some cases, a dental bone graft may be placed to prevent jawbone loss, and stitches might be used to aid healing.


Post Extraction Care:

After extraction, patients must follow post-surgical care to ensure proper recovery. Post-surgical care may include management of bleeding with gauze, taking prescribed medications, and adhering to dietary restrictions like avoiding hard foods. Recovery time varies, but most people return to normal activities within a few days, with complete jawbone healing taking several weeks. 

If you are experiencing any symptoms like fever, pus, or severe pain post-extraction, it's vital that you call Dr. Tokunaga's office in Arlington Heights, IL. 

With modern tooth extractions, you don't have to live with missing teeth. Modern dental restorations such as dental implants, bridges, or partial dentures are all excellent replacement options for extracted teeth.


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