

FAQ: Porcelain Veneers

December 30, 2021 in General


Porcelain veneers, sometimes called dental veneers, are a thin, custom-made layer of tooth-colored composite material designed to cover the front surface of the tooth and improve the overall appearance. They can help you achieve a beautifully white and even smile. Veneers correct various issues, including chipped, stained, gapped, or crooked teeth.


When created in a dental laboratory, porcelain veneers match precisely the patient’s natural tooth color and shape. Of all dental restorative options available, porcelain veneers most exactly replicate the look of healthy genuine tooth enamel. They are stain-resistant and have the same translucent quality as natural teeth, making them blend seamlessly with your natural smile.


Porcelain veneers are manufactured from the highest quality porcelain, fitted by Dr. Tokunaga’s expert team with precision, and bonded with the most sophisticated adhesive available. They are durable and strong, and with proper care and regular dental cleanings, porcelain veneers will often last for 10-15 years.

Your porcelain veneers should be cared for in the same way you care for your natural teeth. Brushing and flossing will not damage them; however, we recommend you avoid using an abrasive toothpaste. Veneers can drastically enhance the look of your smile and change the quality of your life. 


Don't let imperfections in your smile limit your confidence, give us a call to schedule an appointment.

Your Arlington Heights Dentist, Dr. Shawn Tokunaga

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