

Flossing Your Teeth

February 1, 2023 in General


Benefits of Flossing

To significantly reduce the chances of tooth decay and gum disease, flossing is vital. Children should be taught proper flossing techniques from an early age. Flossing is simple.

You can use either loose floss or a dental flosser; the method is the same. Ease the floss between your teeth using a back-and-forth rubbing motion, and once the floss is at the gum line, curve it into a C-shape against one side of a tooth and gently slide it into the area between the tooth and the gum. Use the same method for the second tooth that shares the same space. Repeat between each of your teeth, remembering to floss behind your last tooth on each side.

If you struggle to floss or are uncomfortable, your knowledgeable Tokunaga dental hygienist would be happy to show you the best techniques and suggest tips for getting the most out of flossing.


How Often Should I Floss?

Plague adheres to your teeth every day and can cause cavities, gum disease, tartar build-up, and bad breath. Removing the plaque from between your teeth is essential. The ADA (American Dental Association) recommends flossing at least once daily to remove plaque build-up from the areas between your teeth.

Don't be alarmed if you experience some discomfort or a small amount of bleeding when you begin your flossing regimen. Daily brushing and flossing will soon ease the discomfort. If the pain persists, schedule a consultation with Dr. Tokunaga so we can tackle the problem quickly.

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