

Help for Sensitive Teeth

December 1, 2022 in General


Living with sensitive teeth can be challenging. Activities like eating and drinking or even brushing your teeth can cause a sharp, temporary pain within the affected teeth. The cause of the sensitivity varies. It could be due to worn, exposed inner tooth structures from tooth grinding, chipped or cracked teeth, tooth decay, gum disease, or even an ill-fitting crown or worn filling.

To prevent sensitive teeth from occurring, brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss daily. Carefully use gentle brush strokes rather than harsh scrubbing, which could aggravate your sensitivity. Take care when eating or drinking acidic foods and drinks. Carbonated sodas, wine, and citrus fruits can all work to remove small amounts of enamel over time, exposing the sensitive inner structure of your teeth. Consider using a straw to limit surface contact with your teeth when drinking acidic liquids. Drinking water afterward can help rinse the mouth and rebalance the levels of acid in your mouth.

If you have been suffering from sensitive teeth and want to find and treat the root cause, schedule your appointment today with Dr. Tokunaga in Arlington Heights, IL. He can help identify the underlying causes of your pain to restore your oral health and comfort. Call (847) 290-0222.

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