

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

October 29, 2021 in General


Your teeth are naturally strong; however, chipping a tooth is easier than you think. Dr. Tokunaga uses dental bonding to repair chipped, cracked, or gapped teeth. Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that uses a carefully mixed and color-matched composite resin bonded to teeth. It can be used to eliminate discoloration or even lengthen and reshape teeth that have been ground down over time. 

Unlike a crown, dental bonding does not compromise the existing structure of the tooth, and the composite material is carefully matched to the tooth's shade and transparency for a more natural look. Additionally, the bonding material helps to strengthen the existing tooth structure and works best for teeth that have only suffered minor injuries and not those with extensive decay.

If you are interested in cosmetic bonding but aren't completely happy with the shade of your teeth, be sure to talk to Dr. Tokunaga about tooth whitening before scheduling any bonding procedure so that the composite resin will match your new smile. 

Our dental office in Arlington Heights is fully equipped to help you with all of your aesthetic dentistry and cosmetic restorations. Give us a call today

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