

Diabetes and Your Oral Health

January 30, 2022 in General


Everyone who has been diagnosed with diabetes has been told that high blood sugar can harm their nerves, eyes, heart, and kidneys. Some don’t know, however, that diabetes can also cause significant complications with your oral health. Diabetes can increase the risk of periodontal disease, an infection of the bones and gums that hold teeth in place. Periodontal disease can lead to difficulties chewing, halitosis, pain, and even tooth loss. If normal blood sugar levels are not maintained, healing can take a significantly longer time and interfere with periodontal disease treatment.

Continually elevated blood sugar levels also cause dry mouth (a lack of saliva), which often leads to thrush, a fungal infection that causes painful white patches in your mouth. Dry mouth can initiate ulcers, infections, and tooth decay



Be sure to get regular check-ups with Dr. Tokunaga to prevent periodontal disease and future tooth loss. Be sure to check your blood sugar levels regularly and take the time to examine your mouth for any issues. If you notice that your gums appear swollen or bleeding when you brush and floss or notice soreness, dryness, a bad taste in your mouth, or white patches, schedule your check-up right away. 



Your suggested treatment will depend on the condition of your mouth. If you are experiencing periodontal disease, we might suggest a deep cleaning of your teeth. Thrush will often require medication to kill the fungus in your mouth, and Dr. Tokunaga can prescribe a drug that will help combat dry mouth.


The best thing you can do for your overall health is control your blood glucose levels and have proper oral hygiene. If you have diabetes, be sure to:

  • Control your blood sugar
  • Visit your dentist for regular check-ups (tell Dr. Tokunaga if you have diabetes)
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly
  • Be sure to tell your dentist if your gums are sore or you are experiencing any pain
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can make gum disease much worse; treatments are available to help you quit.

If you’ve been struggling with your oral health due to diabetes and are looking for the right dentist for you, contact Dr. Tokunaga of Arlington Heights today. 

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